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2024.04.16 来源: 浏览:





Usually a protein like chicken or beef with rice or noodles and some veggies.
Beyond that, there are several types of sauce they'll be tossed in.
Dumplings are popular.


原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

SLAB-2-CDMX to GhostOfJamesStrang
I will also add that beyond that, things are usually dictated by where and when the people in your area moved from China and what kinds of foods people there already like.
The Chinese food in Houston, where there is a new community of people from all over mainland China, is different from Boston, where there is a much older community largely from Taiwan, Fujian, and Guangdong, which is different from New Orleans, where there isn't a significant Chinese population.
I hate to be the big bearer of "it depends" but everything other than boba and general tso's is going to be regionally dependent.


bludstone to SLAB-2-CDMX
Most "greasy chopstick" style restaurants are all standardized at a place in nyc. You get lessons on how to cook, organize your kitchen, design and order your menus (which is why they all seem to look so similar)
I'm not sure but I think it includes financing.
good stuff. I love it. Thousands of independently owned "non-chain" Chinese places with basically the same menus. I can get general tsos, beef with broccoli and wonton soup at all of them. And I know what its gunna be like.


mdp300 to bludstone
That makes so much sense. I don't live far from NYC and every little Chinese takeout place is basically the same.


SvenRhapsody to bludstone
I don't know that's it still the case or not, but it was more about people smuggling and indentured servitude. Chinese people were smuggled into the US in exchange for working for a restaurant. The workers work and often live on the premises for an extended time. They're paid very little, but work off their debt and towards their new restaurant startup costs. I think I recall it being 5 or ten years. After that time they're given their own restaurants in various parts of the country and can begin hosting immigrants themselves. Supposedly one fairly unique things about the system is that the immigrants don't typically get fucked over. I think I read a really long article about this in the new Yorker or perhaps the Atlantic a long time ago.

原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

GreenStrong to SvenRhapsody
One could argue that indentured servitude is “getting fucked over”, but I understand the point that contracts are agreed upon and adhered to. The sponsors/ human traffickers could get away with not honoring the agreement, but they do.
Makes me realize how good we have it here. China has made tremendous progress forward, and our standard of living is in decline for everyone but the rich, but many Chinese are willing to make great sacrifices to get here and establish their families here. We are pissed that we don’t have it as good as the Boomers, they aspire to indentured servitude here. Not to say that we should accept the current situation, but we should also maintain perspective.

